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Rippon Vineyards
The early 1970s saw a new world wine frontier begin for New Zealand. Home of superlative Lord of the Rings landscape, much vitality and a whole load of vision, land that was once considered “good merino country”, became the property of “those wineys”.
Testing positive
The Rippon’s actually started life, not in New Zealand, but in Australia. Emma Rippon emigrated to Oz from the UK in the mid 19th century, when it was being hailed as a promised land. They set up a small family sales business which saw the men travel all over the country and eventually to NZ. Upon arrival in Dunedin, South Island, Percy Sarwood, Emma's grandson bought Wanaka Station, which became the family farm. That was in 1912, and the land was left more or less as it was for the next 60 years. However, a growing realisation of the new world wine industry led Rolfe Mills (Percy’s grandson and Emma's great, great, great, great, grandson) to study the soil and weather and plant some initial test vines with Pinot Noir, Riesling, Gewurztraminer & Sauvignon Blanc in 1982. Taking over from his father in xxxx, Nick Mills (the former Olympic skier) has really brought the wines into their own, and today Rippon is an increasing delight for enthusiasts.

Family owned and operated, the pioneering boutique vineyard has perhaps the most beautiful spots in Central Otago, espoused by the elements: long sunshine hours, temperate climate and metamorphic mother rock. Gentle slopes lead down to Lake Wanaka.
Double your money
Rippon has some of the oldest vines of the new world region and their premium wines from their test vines are some of the best in New Zealand. The Rippon, Mature Vine Pinot Noir 2008 Central Otago is one of their best; released at €30 in 2011, the wine showed huge potential and ten years later it has doubled in price. Unlike many other new world wines that are just getting started, Rippon shows a grown-up approach that is worth watching.