Wine Guide
Azienda Agricola Casanova di Neri
Most people’s first Italian wine experience is probably with a Chianti. As you embark on your Italian wine journey, there are some good ones to pop your proverbial cherry with... trips down memory lane take us to aromatic Massetos made by Tenuta dell’Ornellaia or complex Gianfranco Soldera Case Basses are good places to start. But somehow Azienda Agricola Casanova di Neri had slipped through our net. Until now.
Another magical Montalcino
A family-run winery founded in 1971, Azienda Agricola Casanova di Neri is located on the outskirts of Montalcino. Starting with 12-hectares, current owner Giovanni Neri (grandson of the original Giovanni) expanded the estate during the latter 20th century and today the estate stands at 63-hectares, divided into five parcels: Pietradonice, Le Cetine, Cerretalto, Fiesole and Podernuovo (the highest of the parcels, set at an altitude of 450 metres above sea level). A pretty farmhouse and new state of the art winery completes the picture.
Three is the magic number
As with most Italian wines, Azienda Agricola Casanova di Neri’s product is an accurate expression of the terroir. Fully flavoured, di Neri’s three Brunellos are the estate's zenith. Long ageing in Slavonian oak botti (the Di Montalcino is aged for 45 months, the Di Montalcino Tenuta Nuova between 27-36 months and the Di Montalcino Cerretalto for 24-30 months) means long ageing once in bottle, so for best drinking results, you will need to be patient before the wine fully opens up.
An Italian wine in America
For the best investment results, our attention is directed towards the fabulous Di Montalcino Tenuta Nuova, winner of the Wine of the Year trophy by Wine Spectator in 2006. The 2010 vintage was given a massive 99 points by James Suckling while the same vintage scored a perfect 100 from Robert Parker. Parker’s perfect score had led to a huge surge in interest in the US, and as of Q2 2019 it was easier (although far more expensive) to find a bottle of the legendary vintage stateside than in Europe and even Italy. A slow but steady price of 25% in 24 months between 2017 and 2019 makes this bottle a collectors favourite.